My Favourite Kitchen Gadgets #mfkg – Morphy Richards Daily Loaf Breadmaker

This was bought as a replcement for a full size breadmaker which was still in full working order but never got used because the loaves it made were too big (2lb) and ended up getting binned before they were eaten because they went mouldy.

The Daily Loaf breadmaker bakes 1lb loaves, which are the perfect size for the three of us to eat whilst they are still fresh, therefore there’s no waste.

It is slightly bigger than a toaster, so takes up little bench space whilst in use, as well as less cupboard space than the previous full size model.

Despite being one of the more basic models, it still has five programmes: Basic White (2hrs 25mins), Wholewheat (3 hrs 25mins), Fastbake (1hr 30 mins), Dough (1hr 30mins) and Bake (30mins).

The only thing missing is a delay timer, but a separate plug in timer could be used if you wanedt to wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread.

The Daily Loaf comes complete with a measuring cup, 2 measuring spoons (1 tablespoon, 1 teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon measures) and a blade removal hook.

The instruction manual is excellent and gives advice on flours, yeast and other ingredients, as well as slicing and storing bread tips, along with the following recipes:

White Bread

Sugar and Salt Free Bread

Cheese and Onion Bread

Cranberry and Orange Bread

Raisin Bread

Milk Free Bread

Sun Dried Tomato Bread

Wholemeal Bread

Granary Bread

Seeded Whole Wheat Bread

50/50 Granary Mixed Loaf

Dough for White Bread Rolls

Pizza Dough (which I use in the Mini Pizza Maker)

Tea Cakes

Cakes can be made using the Bake setting.

I’ve tried some of the recipes but I’m more into cutting corners & making things easier so I use ready made bread mixes and pizza dough mixes.

As most bread mixes are designed to make a 2lb loaf, I measure out half a packet and it works perfectly (remembering to add only half the amount of water too).

As with most breadmakers, the blade frequently comes out stuck in the bottom of the loaf but because this is a smaller appliance, the blade is not as high as it is in more standard models, thus creating a smaller hole. It is easily removed with the hook supplied.

Although the loaves are smaller, it’s still possible to get 10 slices out of them. I use an electric carving knife to make cutting easier.

The bread is fab to have with home made soup from the Morphy Richards Soup Maker.

The pizza dough setting is useful for making pizzas, either from scratch or with a pizza dough mix.

The only downside of the Daily Loaf is that the bread is so much better than the shop bought stuff you tend to eat too much of it!

*Not getting paid for this, just love my gadgets #kitchengadgetfreak

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